With Vidwy you can listen all the music you desired, as many times as you want and for FREE!
Enjoy more than 50 million songs, albums and artists in one application and at your fingertips.
You can also:
-View the official videos of your favorite artists
-Be updated with the new releases of your favorite artists
- You will have a Top 50 world hits with the most played songs of the moment
-The more popular musical genres
-A top of the most popular albums
Registering you can:
-Create playlists with your favorite songs.
-Customize your profile, upload photos and your tracks or albums.
- Make your playlists public and share them with your friends!
-Create Rankings to share on the platform
-The best sound quality
and many more surprises!
Follow Vidwy!
Facebook: https:www.facebook.comvidwycom
Web: https:vidwy.com